Directrices para Autores
Authors interested in submitting their texts must do so through the Journal's platform at the Submissions link
About the authors
The author must have a profile on the Google Scholar platform and have an ORCID identification number so that his/her work can be published.
The author must declare that the work complies with copyright rules and that there is no plagiarism in it.
The information of the authors (full name, highest academic degree achieved, institutional affiliation, postal address and email, ORCID number, among others) must be attached.
It is suggested that the author previously review the digital repository of the articles published by the Journal to identify the texts on the same subject that can contribute to the construction of the state of the art of the issue.
Publication standards
Formal structure
- The texts must be shared as Word files (.doc or .docx), with single line spacing, letter size, and 2.54 margins on each margin.
- Texts must be structured according to the grammatical, spelling and syntactical rules of the language in which they are presented. The Editorial Committee may suggest stylistic and formal corrections.
- Terms and expressions foreign to the language used must be in italics.
- The title must be consistent with the topic discussed and must have its corresponding translation into Spanish (if the article is not written in this language) and English.
- The author's information will not exceed three (3) lines and include a brief biographical summary as follows: full name and surname, most relevant academic training, institutional affiliation, email and ORCID number. This information must be presented in a separate document from the article, to avoid identification of the author by peers.
- Charts, tables and images are not part of the length of the text presented. All exceptional cases will be consulted with the Editorial Committee.
- If the article contains Word or Excel tables, they may be inserted into the text, preserving these formats. Tables should not be inserted as images, since in this case they cannot be modified and their quality is reduced when printed.
- Figures, illustrations, diagrams, maps, photographs, images, etc., must be sent as image files (jpg, tiff or gif) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. The author must be aware of the copyright of the material he/she wishes to add to his/her text. This information must be shared as an attachment when submitting the proposal.
Only unpublished texts, presented exclusively and registered in one of the areas of the domain of the Journal Sin Fundamento, specifically in philosophy or literary theory, are accepted. The texts accepted by the Journal for publication are:
Sin Fundamento welcomes articles in Spanish, Portuguese, and English of the following types:
- Articles of scientific research: with their respective introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.
- Reflection articles derived from research: academic essays that present research results from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective on a specific topic and with the use of sources.
- Review articles: studies that analyze or systematize research results on a specific scientific field and problem.
The length of the article must be between 3,000 and 10,000 words. However, the Editorial Committee will analyze exceptional cases in particular.
The articles, in any of their types, must include an analytical summary of approximately six (6) lines and five (5) keywords in the original language with its respective translation into English. The summary of the articles must meet the characteristics of the analytical summary. In this section, the synthesis of the concepts, approaches, proposals or ideas must be presented, according to the structural organization of the original text and highlighting its essential elements.
The Journal Sin Fundamento receives reviews in Spanish, Portuguese and English of Books published in no more than 5 years. Its length should not exceed 5,000 words.
Sin Fundamento only accepts translations into Spanish of texts originally written in other languages. It is important to be clear that the copyright of the text being translated allows its translation and publication in the Journal. This information must be included in the proposal to pass the first review by the Journal's editorial team. It is recommended that its length not exceed 10,000 words.
However, the Editorial Committee will analyze exceptional cases.
Citation and bibliography system
The citation and bibliographical reference system used by the Journal Sin Fundamento is the one presented by the American Psychology Association (APA) in its Style Manual (Publication Manual of APA or "APA Style Citation"). For more information, you can consult the following Citation Guide.
APA standards recommend including citations in the text through the use of parenthetical references.
- Textual citations: they will be made in the body of the text and must be in quotation marks as long as they do not exceed forty (40) words. Textual citations of more than forty (40) words in length must be written on a single line, single-spaced, justified alignment, with smaller margins than the main text, without quotation marks and with a smaller font point than the text.
- The reference for this citation is included in parentheses, according to APA standards, where the author's surname, year of publication and page number (Surname, year, page number) are stated. E.g.: (Foucault, 2001, p. 7), (Foucault, 2001, pp. 7-9). It is important to note that, if a specific idea or a specific text is cited, the page or pages where they are found must be indicated.
- The guidelines mentioned will apply equally to the case of citations taken from the Internet.
- In APA, the inclusion of footnotes is only possible when a clarification of a section of the main text is necessary.